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How to deal with alcohol - why can't I just drink one like my friends do?

How to deal with alcohol - why can't I just drink one like my friends do?

This month I have been pondering if I could be replaced by AI, so I conducted my own little experiment and asked ChatGPT 'Why Can't I Just Have One Drink of Alcohol Like My Friends'

Before you read what ChatGPT has to say, I will come clean and admit that I had been reading an article this week which has started a debate about the research and thinking that 'drinking in moderation' is OK.

I personally could not moderate, and most of my clients admit that trying to moderate their drinking caused them even more anxiety. Having to work out if today was a drinking day? or can I have two today? just keeps you thinking about drinking all day long! This sort of behaviour is often underpinned by the latest research that suggest drinking in small quantities is somehow beneficial.

So, being the intelligent people that I know you are I will leave you to make your own judgement based on facts.

Read what ChatGPT told me. I think I still have a career ahead of me, but you might prefer to talk with a robot?

Read the research about research by Dr Tim Stockwell, a scientist at the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research at the University of Victoria.

Or a summary from The Guardian

So, in summary, there would appear to be some evidence to support the shortcomings in some or the research about moderation, and ChatGPT seems to offer limited advice and some insight (but to be fair I didn’t ask it how to stop drinking)

And if after all that reading you want to speak to a human being and find out if I can help you change your relationship with alcohol then book a no obligation FREE call with me

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