There is a growing number of low and no alcohol drinks coming to market every week, so how do you work out what might be right for you?
When I started my journey over 4 years ago, there were a limited number of no alcohol drinks, and those that were weren't to my liking. (not going to name them, they know who they are !)
So times have changed (thankfully) and anyone starting their journey now will be faced with a bewildering choice. Thankfully we have Club Soda
If you live near London then I would recommend a visit to their tasting rooms in Covent Garden. There is a fantastic selection of products to sample and buy. If you don't, their on line shop provides a great insight into each drink and you can get 10% off your first order.
Club Soda is more than just a retailer, and their web site provides resources and articles about the growing movement of Low and No. They even have a range of courses to help you on your journey towards an improved relationship with alcohol.
So Club Soda is a great place to start your journey, and if you need one to one support then reach out to me and book a free, no obligation call and see if we could work together.